
  • Peter K. OLOWE Department of Early Childhood Care and Education Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo
  • Esther A. ODUOLOWU Department of Early Childhood and Educational Foundations Faculty of Education, University of Ibadan


Core societal values, Knowledge, Attitude, Desirable societal attributes


Social and Moral Development was introduced as a course into the curriculum of Colleges of Education to expose ECCE pre-service teachers to the nation’s core values. This is because they are expected to assist young children in acquiring desirable core societal attributes after their training. However, the ECCE pre-service teachers display undesirable societal attributes. There is need therefore to find out if they have sufficient knowledge of the core values or if they have the right attitude towards them. Explanatory sequential mixed methods design was adopted. Three hundred and fifteen ECCE pre-service teachers constituted the sample. Instruments used were “Test on Core Societal Values (TCSV)”, “Core Societal Values Attitude Scale (CSVAS)”, Field Note and Audio Recorder. The unstructured interview method was used for collection of qualitative data which were triangulated with the quantitative ones. Quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics while qualitative data were analysed through narrative technique. Quantitative results revealed the teachers had very low knowledge of the CSVs and neutral attitude towards them. The qualitative result, on the other hand, indicated negative attitude towards the CSVs. The pre-service teachers would find it very difficult to assist young children in acquiring desirable core societal attributes when they take up appointment as caregivers. Lecturers in colleges of education need to explore other active learning methods for the teaching and learning of CSVs. Experts in the field should come up with research efforts to showcase practical ways by which the CSVs can be meaningfully taught to the ECCE pre-service teachers.


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How to Cite

EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION (ECCE) PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ KNOWLEDGE OF AND ATTITUDE TO CORE SOCIETAL VALUES (CSVS) IN THE SOUTH-WEST NIGERIA. (2023). Unilorin Journal of Lifelong Education, 1(2), 1-12. https://ujlle.org.ng/index.php/ujlle/article/view/82

How to Cite

EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION (ECCE) PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ KNOWLEDGE OF AND ATTITUDE TO CORE SOCIETAL VALUES (CSVS) IN THE SOUTH-WEST NIGERIA. (2023). Unilorin Journal of Lifelong Education, 1(2), 1-12. https://ujlle.org.ng/index.php/ujlle/article/view/82

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