
  • Oyelakin Kunmi OGUNGBADE Centre for Supportive Services for the Deaf Faculty of Education University of Ilorin
  • Josephine Shola AINA National Open University of Nigeria Ilorin Study Centre
  • Mary G. FAJONYOMI Department of Counsellor Education Faculty of Education University of Ilorin


Aggression, Aggressiveness, Bullying and Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)


Children often exhibit aggression which can take a variety of forms. I can be expressed physically, communicated verbally and/or non-verbally. Whichever form it takes, aggression is harmful to both academic environment and social interaction. It is, therefore important to assist children with incessant display of aggression in the school, at home and in the society. Series of psychological tools have been propounded and used by different scholars. These include but are not limited to Behaviour Modification which has the strength of modifying the behaviours of the clients. The focus of this paper is to discuss Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) as one of the therapeutic tools for handling aggression among children with hearing-impairment in Nigeria.  It also suggests that counsellors should apply the therapeutic procedure of REBT by assisting children with hearing-impairment to appreciate the need for them to have positive thinking and feelings in order to decrease aggression among them.


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How to Cite

RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY FOR REDUCING AGGRESSIVENESS AMONG CHILDREN WITH HEARING-IMPAIRMENT IN NIGERIA. (2023). Unilorin Journal of Lifelong Education, 1(2), 34-43. https://ujlle.org.ng/index.php/ujlle/article/view/85

How to Cite

RATIONAL EMOTIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY FOR REDUCING AGGRESSIVENESS AMONG CHILDREN WITH HEARING-IMPAIRMENT IN NIGERIA. (2023). Unilorin Journal of Lifelong Education, 1(2), 34-43. https://ujlle.org.ng/index.php/ujlle/article/view/85